Please note that full payment is due upon scheduling. All Sessions are distant and  via phone call. This allows you to heal from the comforts of your own home. Your session is not limited to just the healing, we go where spirit leads us, so your session may take you to the past, to the future or to a current situation. These sessions are designed to help you heal wherever you are needing it the most. 

Holistic Sessions

  • Reiki -$175-

    Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique. The predominate form of reiki practiced throughout the world today, also known as Usui reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It’s a complementary or alternative health approach. Reiki does not directly cure diseases or illnesses. Instead, it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.

    During a reiki session, I work with each Chakra individually to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities. I go with Spirit to guide me in the direction your healing allowing you the benefit of healing from past traumas, finding balance, helping improve health and connect to your higher self. Setting you one step closer to your higher purpose.

  • Illumination Within -$175-

    Illumination Within is the healing of your core wounds, it helps you to release the past and stand in the present. Here you will work through your core wounds from money to love to even death. Whatever your core wound is, it is important to give yourself space and time to work through each wound and emotion that comes up. This is the beginning of healing through the darkness that feels like it is consuming you or the pain that feels like it is holding you down. You will learn to walk through these wounds and create a new story/affirmation with each one. You will learn how to heal through the wound that was created and release the story that holds you back.

    When we hold on to these wounds like we are holding on to a bag of money, we are not able to see the higher perspective and move swiftly through life. This holds you back from stepping into your highest path and creating balance within and without you.

    The benefits that come from Illumination is learning to listen to your own intuition (your gut instinct) and learning to release control. This is also where emotional healing happens and we begin to see the patterns that we repeat. You also begin to work through depression as depression is living in the past. We learn to release the past and step into the present so our own mind, body and soul is more balanced.

    This beautiful healing session is called Illumination because it actually illuminates you from the inside out, sending light through your wounds.

  • Soul Calling -$175-

    During certain periods in our life, we may experience some traumatic events. It's at these moments that a piece of our soul will leave to protect its self. In these sessions we will visit this soul piece and learn the lessons that are presented to us. From there we will find the soul contract that was created and release it to be renewed into a positive affirming contract. Once we have released the contract we find the Soul piece that is ready to come home along with a spirit animal and a gift. As we finish we call the Soul home to settle back within your energetic field, helping you to receive inner power and strength so you do not have to keep repeating the same patterns and lessons over and over again.

    This can help when you feel like a piece of you is missing or you may be working on some major child hood trauma or any past event that keeps coming up for you. We create a new I am statement to take home with you for further healing at home.

    This session can also help you get a better connection with you higher self and spirit.

    This session can take 1 - 1 1/2 hours

    All Sessions are distant via Phone. Please make sure you find a comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. I will call you at the time of your session.

  • Ancestral Healing -$275-

    Our ancestors are the warriors before us and the healers, perhaps they were faced with abuse or famine, they may have experienced war and pain. In each generation there are many traits, characteristics, patterns, and beliefs that have been handed down to us that are deeply coded within the genetics of our DNA. Our ancestors may have also passed down experiences, both painful and joyful, leaving energetic imprints in our DNA.

    Ancestral healing allows you the space to begin to heal with your ancestors (mom, dad, paternal grandparents or maternal grandparents). We go within to see the patterns that have been passed down from one generation to the next, curses that have held through one lifetime to the next, heavy energy and the healing between you and that ancestor. We do this in a safe space so that you have the time to clear out any negative energy, find forgiveness and find love. We learn that our ancestors did the best they knew how in that moment and time and we can learn to forgive so that we may heal.

    Along with the healing, I help you to see any gifts that have been given to you by that ancestor. To understand your purpose more and better connection with Spirit.

    Once we are done we create a new I am statement for each ancestor allowing you take the healing home with you.

    This session can take anywhere between 1-2 hours.

    All Sessions are distant via Phone. Please make sure you find a comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. I will call you at the time of your session.

  • Guided Shamanic Session -$275-

    In the Guided Shamanic Session we begin with a 1-2 hour session that includes a 30 minute reading and a shamanic healing session. Allowing spirit to guide us to see what is ready to be worked on.

    This session begins with a reading so we can ask your guides, spirit, ancestors and loved ones for any guidance and advice.

    We then will do a shamanic session guided by spirit to go within and see what is ready to be healed. This could include a soul Retrieval, illumination, past life or inner child work. Where ever we are guided.

    You will leave with the tools to continue your healing journey at home.

  • Womb Healing -$185-

    As women we have lost the connection to our own womb. A space of growth a literal portal to the creation of life. Through our time we have been taught to not appreciate what our bodies can do and have lost connection to our own womb space. In this session we go in to the womb space and begin to cleat out any negative energy. creating a new positive energy and better understanding of the gift of the womb. This session is great for those who have given birth, especially a traumatic birth as we heal this trauma. Any one wishing to become pregnant. Women with period problems (we have learned that when we have problems with our period it is because of our hormones and our disconnect to the womb). Any woman who is wanting to clear out stuck energy within their womb space.

  • Illuminating Within a Shamanic Journey -$345-

    In this 3 - 4 hour session, you will have the time and space to do some major healing and transformation. As we work through shadows, wounds, stories that hold you back and soul retrievals (Traumatic events). We will work with the Ancestors allowing us to be guided with any and all healing that is needed in that moment. This is a major transformative healing session that can help you to release chords and find your highest time line. You might find yourself learning to walk with Mother Jaguar through the dark or flying with great Eagle Condor as you do a destiny retrieval

    This is your healing session and is created to help you heal and connect to your own intuition, helping you learn to listen to your heart and trust in yourself more. You may find yourself doing many sessions in one, so I recommend having plenty of time afterwards to allow yourself to release and transmute energies.

    **As of now this is still only offered distant, I hold space for you as we work together to go within and remove heavy energies. This is major session so please give yourself time.**

  • Finding the Destiny Within -$175-

    We all have a destiny, a purpose. Sometimes, it feels like we took the wrong turn or we are going down the wrong path. Together in this session, we begin to clear out the energy that is holding you back, we look at the timeline you are currently on and we begin to find the timeline you are meant to be on. We may see a glimpse or hear a word of the timeline to your highest good, perhaps it's to find peace or perhaps it's to learn love. Learning what it is for you can help you to fully step into your purpose with strength and belief.

    This session can have you feeling lighter and more excited about life.

    All Sessions are distant via Phone. Please make sure you find a comfortable space where you will not be disturbed. I will call you at the time of your session.

  • Shadow Healing

    As we take on negative energy, our shadow can become dark, heavy and in need of some clearing. I work with you as we step within to find your shadow and work through the wounds and pain that were created. As you begin you journey into healing the Shadow, I begin to clear your auric field. Around your aura can create a heavy darkness (this looks like a swirling dark cloud). Light is sent here to clear up the heavy energy and create more balance until your aura is cleared of any heavy energy. While you begin to balance your shadow and find the beauty within.

    This session is great for anyone feeling lost, down, depressed, scared, angry or having constant headaches.

    **All sessions are distant. I will call you at the time of your session. Please be in a comfortable and quiet location where you can lay down for your session.**